Wakeup Call, for you

By Carrie Spry

Unconscious living is how I could sum up most of my life. I felt out of control, my life was running itself. Decisions just make themselves, before I can actually think about them. How in the world did I end up in this situation? My life feels like one long fuzzy dream. The only thing I know for sure is this moment right now. I mean, I do have memories, but how can I be sure they were real?

I realized that if I wanted to be truly happy, that I would have to consciously make decisions. I'm not talking about preconditioned answers that we are all programmed to answer. I'm talking about actually thinking about what I am doing each day, be there in the moment, and making a decision based on that.

This is your chance to wake up. What did you do today? Was is the same as yesterday, did you perform the same functions and in the same manner? WAKE UP! Enjoy your life. We as a global community are all awakening, I don't know yet what we are awakening to, but we are awakening, none the less. A must read is Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth." If you are not that fond of reading, you can check out Oprah's and Eckhart's on line web classes. The knowledge is amazing.

If you want positive change to occur in your life, please learn to live consciously in everyday life. Watch the movie the secret, keep an open mind. My life has transformed over the past few years. I just simply can't believe what I have been missing. Maybe I just wasn't ready. I am not trying to convince you of anything. I just want you to open your eyes and see what you can see.

Our whole world is shifting. We no longer look to outside influences to make our decisions for us. We are more and more independent everyday. We are searching for our own truth. Thankfully, we will not be killed because of it. We are free to believe what we want to believe. Many of us are not comfortable with change, luckily, these people are quickly becoming a minority. It's time to wake up and make our own decisions. It's time to find our own truths.

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