Distance Learning Degrees - What Do Employers Think Of Them?

By Mary Jack

Distance learning degrees and online degree programs have become popular since the internet became a household name. This has opened doors to a great opportunity for those wishing to pursue further education. But just as it is with everything new, the internet has also presented challenges and created room for sale of unscrupulous degrees and diplomas. The figures released by USA Today indicate that in 2003, over 400 diploma mills were in operation and the number was on the increase. Surprisingly, this dubious operation of degree mills seems to be thriving in an industry currently estimated at $500 million per year.

Nevertheless, many colleges and universities are now offering legitimate degrees and diplomas. Unlike the mills, institutions of higher learning are doing everything possible to provide the same quality of education offered to students in the traditional learning environment. With access to video lectures, online courses, innovative online testing methods, and virtual library facilities, those seeking distance learning degrees can rest assured their diplomas have been justly earned. Unfortunately, many employers' views have been tainted because of the influx of fake degrees.

To address the misinformation, 6 accreditation agencies have been authorized by the U.S. National Education Board to weed out the unscrupulous bogus programs. Then, the agencies give accreditation to the colleges and universities that meet the minimum standards for legitimate learning institutions. In addition, the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) also provide accreditation specifically to distance learning schools. The DETC has the backing of both the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the Department of Education. Therefore the students can rest assured their education has matched, and often exceeded that of their traditional peers.

Other distinguished specialized accreditation agencies exists that are designed to accredit specific course programs. Programs that meet the set standards of excellence are given accreditation by these specialized accredit ting agencies based on area of specialization. A good example of such an accrediting agency is International Association for Management Education (AACSB) which accredits accounting related programs. Also American Health Information Management Association is tasked with accrediting health programs in different colleges. It is worthy to note that all these accreditation agencies have to be recognized by CHEA for them to be considered as legit agencies.

Why does accreditation matter to a student? A college accreditation agency evaluates the different aspects of colleges or universities against minimum standard criteria to determine if the particular institution meets set basic requirements that determine the quality of education it should offer. College accreditation is important to ensure that the quality of education, facilities in a college and support given by that college meets certain standards while specialized accreditation checks the excellence of specific programs regardless of the institution offering that program. Likewise it means specialized accreditation check on course content and the curriculum of the program against pre-determined standards of the distance learning college or university.

Accreditation ensures students have received quality and adequate training in their perspective areas of study and definitely earned their distance learning degrees. Parents and potential employers can believe these students are prepared to become a productive member of society. By the same token, employees who have taken accredited courses have met the requirements of their specialize area of study. Alternatively, it also mean that institutions denied accreditation have not met the minimum standards of excellence.

In the end, it is totally up to potential employers to decide whether to hire an individual with a distance learning degree. With skepticism influenced by all the bogus diploma mills, no wonder they are being more cautious. Therefore, if the accreditation is supplied by a trusted and recognized source, the application for a job is less likely to be set aside. Instead, it has a better chance to be found in the stack for a second interview or final selection for a job position.

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Why Giving Corporate Gifts Is Still Not A Bad Idea In Recessionary Economy

By Alvin Jones

Thriving businesses always rely on good relationships with their clients to continue performing well. A company can easily sail through the bad economy if it has been successful in pleasing and maintaining good relationship with the clients. Corporate gifts almost always succeed in their task of keeping the customers happy and satisfied. They are a cheap way of keeping your client happy, and hence they are appropriate for bad economic times also.

A corporate gift should be wisely selected keeping the recipient in mind, as in case the gift does not appeal to the recipient, the purpose of giving a gift would be defeated. Corporate gifts could be distributed for the marketing of a new product or service launch or given on festive occasions such as New Year to show customers appreciation and attempt to maintain a lasting relationship.

The gifts could range from coffee mugs, stationery to even a bottle of wine. The company's logo may be imprinted on the product to remind the customer of it the moment he or she sees the item.

Consider a gift that gives when you are thinking about corporate gifts. More and more people are switching to different ways of thinking and want others to gain. Buy1GIVE1, KIVA and Change The Present are organisations that can offer gift value to your clients and staff. Check Buy1GIVE1 out at www.b1g1.com.

The gifts must be of good quality or else it will only be counter-productive in its aim. A substandard gift will only be a futile effort as it won't be able to convey the gratefulness that the company wants to show to its customers. In a depressed economy where the clients are always searching for better deals elsewhere, it is of even greater importance not to give them any opportunity to feel upset with your company.

Keeping the present economic situation in mind, corporate gifts have emerged as a reliable marketing tool. If used judiciously, they can enable a business keep customer relationships alive through the turmoil of recession.

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Can American Bikers Unite To Protect Themselves Before It Is Too Late?

By L.J. James

There is a new law in Virginia that will ban Motorcycle Club Colors in Bars. The law, originally aimed at Street Gangs, is causing quite a stir with Virginia Bikers. The law states that Bar & Restaurant owners will lose their liquor license if they allow patrons who wear "gang" related attire such as Club Logo's or Colored Bandannas.

These sort of "grey area" laws are extremely dangerous and a threat to everyone's freedom. Who decides what constitutes "Gang Apparel"? I'm wondering if Boy Scouts are going to be able to eat together at Applebees if they are in their uniforms.

According to news reports, many Bikers and Motorcycle Club Members in Virginia have already begun fighting this law. If a law like this is allowed to stand in Virginia, it won't be long until it is passed in other states across America!

We as Motorcyclists and Bikers (It does not matter what you call yourself) have to realize fast that we are all connected. It doesn't matter what you ride, what State you live in or who you Support, we're all in this together. What effects Me effects you and it doesn't matter what you happen to think of me.

When the local Bar you and your Brothers love hanging out at is told that you and all other members of Motorcycle Clubs can no longer go there or they will revoke the Bars liquor license, What then?

This is no Joke my Biker Brothers, every month there is another new law that is aimed not only Motorcycle Club Members, but all Americans. It seems that every time the Government wants to take away a freedom, they find a way to craft a new law for our "safety". What kind of Country is this turning into when you can't wear what you want and suddenly, your constitutional right to assemble is taken away from you?

Although there are many ignorant people out there that believe Motorcycle Clubs are Gangs, that's simply not the case. Most Motorcycle Clubs are made up of hard working, honest, law abiding, patriotic, American Citizens who enjoy a common bond, Motorcycles. It's what is in a persons heart that determines who they are, not the clothes they wear.

In the past year the government has taken away the Colors of one Motorcycle Club. A law enforcement officer can demand anyone sporting the Clubs logo to forfeit it. The theory is that the loss of the logo strips the club of its "gang identity."

Grant it, it appears that some of the Clubs members may have been involved in illegal activities, but that doesn't mean that everyone who rides a Motorcycle should be punished for it. In fact, less than 10% of this 600 Member Club was even accused of wrong doing.

In addition, the Government and law enforcement agencies have been spending millions of our dollars to influence friends and ex-members of Motorcycle Clubs in an effort to infiltrate these clubs in hopes of catching members doing something illegal. Often, when they find that the Club they've infiltrated is nothing more than a group of Patriotic, Law Abiding Men & Women, they'll fabric wrong doing so that they can justify the enormous amount of resources spent on these Fishing Expeditions.

Just imagine how much better off we'd all be if they used those resources to investigate the Corrupt Politicians, the Corporations that control our Country, Wall Street, and the other issues that are quickly sinking this great Nation.

What I want to know is, what will be the last straw? What's it going to take for us to say enough is enough? We can not fight these Laws and Fight each other at the same time! We need to work together to save what we are, who we are.

The Government has taken away our rights to ride the Motorcycle we want, to wear what we want and now to go where we want! Why are we still fighting each other? When are we going to wake up??

For more on this story check out the story on WTVR.com

I am your Bro, LJ James AmericanBikerX.com Saying Time is Running out!!!

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How To Get Clear Of Exasperating Feet Soreness And Dwell A Joyful Life

By Brent Archer

Foot tenderness in the large toe is also commonly referred to as bunions. Most often charged in wearing snug, narrow and high heeled shoes, it appears that a ton of women are now paying the worth of style and sweetness with bunions on their feet. This drawback is named Hallux Valgus although it is ordinarily known as a bunion and believe me, for those that fight this, it's a real throbbing . With this downside of the forefoot, a bunion looks like a main bump on the inside the foot round the joint of the good toe.

When you have a bunion, the bump appears swollen, red and painful on the inside of the foot around and in the massive toe joint. The bump that you see is essentially the bone protruding towards the within of the feet.

With a bunion, the bottom of the toe will eventually become larger and will stick out even a lot of and it may continue to drift toward the remainder of the toes and in many cases, the massive toe could primarily return to rest below or over the next toe. With no proper treatment, the next toe will put pressure on the third toe changing its correct alignment.

Though the preclusion of tenderness in the large toe is the best treatment of all, there are treatment selections which are available too. Surgery is an possibility if walking has become painful and it is the sole treatment that will ultimately dispose of the throbbing related to bunions. The objective of the surgery is the realignment of the ligaments, bones, nerves and tendons so that the big toe will be back it is traditional position, so relieving the pressure on the other toes and also the ache of the bunion.

Before considering surgery, it's best to avoid sporting shoes with snug, narrow toe box, sharp pointy toes and heels three inches and higher. Feet tenderness in is mostly treated with cold compresses, anti-inflammatory medications, soaking the foot in Epsom salts for added comfort, protecting bunion pads, cortisone injections, orthotics and comfortable shoes. However keep in mind, the best treatment is prevention .

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A Good Funeral Director Can Be Of Immense Help In Your Moment Of Grief

By Helen Esteban

For family and friends dealing with the recent demise of a loved one, the funeral director is a very important source of strength and support. They take care of the intricacies of all the preparations that have to be made, allowing the grieving members to deal with their overwrought emotions without worrying about the intricacies of the service.

The responsibilities of a funeral director are manifold, including moving the deceased to the burial place from where the body was kept, be it the home or a morgue. All sorts of documentation and necessary paperwork involved in the process, like getting a death certificate, getting all the permissions, organ donation etc comes under the purview of the funeral director.

A good funeral director also acts as a single contact point for all services essential for the funeral like handling vendors of flowers, music, food etc. He will need to insert necessary announcements and obituaries in the local publications and might also require to inform distant family members and friends of the departed person about the funeral service.

The funeral director, in discussion with the family, decides the date and venue for the funeral, and makes arrangements for the memorial service and the final burial. The visitation ceremony where the family members of the deceased are consoled by relatives and friends is also arranged for by him to a big extent. Only when the grave is finally sealed does the funeral director's job really end on the funeral day.

A funeral director must be sympathetic and committed to make sure of a smooth and well arranged for funeral service and help the grieving family sail through the hardest time of their lives. Thus, a licensed funeral director who has sufficient experience and recommendations should be chosen for funeral proceedings. He should have an established credibility for sincerity and capability so that he can fulfil all critical requirements without putting you through any further difficulties.

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7 Strategies To Succeed With Online Education Degree

By Mary Jackson

Attaining an online education degree has opened opportunities for many students, especially those who find paying for traditional full-time courses outside their reach. But as much as acquiring an online education degree has many benefits over traditional learning, many factors play a role in order to make it successful for online students. Because of the differences in the way that online education is disseminated and acquired, some amendments in approaching this mode of learning need be put in place to make it a success.

1. Choosing the best education online institution - Make sure the institute for higher education chosen has adequate resources and accreditation recognized by the proper authorities. Unless authenticity can be verified, find another school. Sadly, unscrupulous degree mills offer degrees with short-term or no real education. Thus, the diplomas are bogus and absolutely worthless. Find a school that provides solid education, ample student support, and the facilities necessary to succeed in your distance learning.

2. Evaluate the cost and benefits - Generally, obtaining an online education is a costly venture. Most people do not realize the cost is often more than a traditional education. So, it is important to evaluate the desired online education degree, and determine whether the benefit of future income opportunities will offer the reward for gaining an online degree.

3. How do employers view an online education degree? - There are many instances where employers were skeptical about the legitimacy of online education degrees. With so many "diploma mills" out there, it's warranted for employers to be cautious. Although an online education degree might be legit, it would be very helpful to the employer if you provided the type of accreditation your college has beforehand to avoid any misunderstanding. By letting the employer know in advance that your institution was accredited by an institution that is recognized by CHEA and US department of Education, you will be a step ahead in qualifying for that dream job.

4. Practice discipline, intrinsic motivation, and good time management - In the beginning, students may not fully comprehend the discipline necessary to stay focused and keep pace with online classes. It takes strong intrinsic motivation to succeed without the classroom atmosphere and peers. Time management is critical. Setting up communication with other students will be most helpful on the road to success.

5. Utilize all the facilities provided by your college - Many education degree online courses provide online lectures and email access to facilitate communication among students, lecturers and administration staff. It's important to take full advantage of these services as they keep you "connected" with your accredited online college. It helps further your motivation in your studies when you make use of these facilities to stay in touch.

6. Make use of credit transfers - Many online education degree colleges allow students to transfer their credits from courses they took in previous colleges, whether online or traditional. By doing this, it means students don't have to repeat courses they learnt before. For this to be effected, it's important for a student who intends to pursue an education online to make sure they get transcripts and results from their previous universities or colleges and make them available to their accredited online college so they can be passed as transfer credits.

7. Take advantage of technology to complete your class work - Another factor for online education degree success is the opportunity to take advantage of all the conveniences that technology provides. Many accredited online colleges provide students with online digital libraries, databases and resources that a student can use to complete their course work and assignments. In most instances the cost of these facilities is already included in the tuition fees. Thus it makes good sense to make full use of these resources to your advantage.

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A Guide To The Amenities San Antonio Luxury Condos Have To Offer

By Titus Troxell

There is much more to be seen in San Antonio other than the world famous Alamo. Many people enjoy the comforts of San Antonio luxury condos which offer affordable units for new up coming residents and wonderful living options. Right in the heart of the city, enjoy the sites and beautiful destinations such as the Alamo, from the district are to the breathtaking River Walk. Experience the new sensation everyday with San Antonio's modern style with a touch of traditional culture.

San Antonio has a colorful history to share to the world. The Alamo is just but a bit of its interesting past which links to the lessons of Sam Houston, Davy Crokett, Jim Bowie, and Santa Ana. The River Walk, which is located near the souvenir and gift shops, has been featured in movies a couple of times. The River Walk itself is underlined with great shopping booths, popular clubs, fine restaurants and galleries. The span of the River Walk is up to 3 miles long which allows for a boat ride trip or carriages that are drawn by horses to tour the area and the entire city. Enjoy the two world renowned theme parks such as the Sea World and the Six Flags. While savoring what the city has to offer, you can learn about the richness of its history such as the tour of Spanish missions that can be experienced first hand in Mission Trails.

Do you want to give your family an exciting escapade and fun? Take a few hours of trip from you'll be seeing the exquisite Schlitterbahn Water Park Resort located in a small town of New Braunfels. Summer heat will be quenched and the kids will surely love this trip. As for mom and Dad, they can play golf in a verdant wide plain course, or play tennis at Newcombe's Tennis Ranch in the company of friends and colleagues .They will have a wonderful experience in those tourist destination. If you are a Mexican food lover, then you have to visit the Market Square which is the biggest Mexican market outside of Mexico.

There is always something for everyone in San Antonio. For those who are planning to stay here and also for those who are looking for an affordable place to transfer, you will find that there are many options available that will truly be inclined with your personality. The luxury condos in San Antonio are placed in the market with price ranges depending on the quality and location is just a matter of choosing the right San Antonio luxury condo that can satisfy your needs. You can also choose between the historical downtown San Antonio luxury if you feel nostalgic and the newly built condos if you feel that modern lifestyle with urban appeal suits you. Both of them have varying prices with a different incentives and styling the freshest home design techniques and best materials. San Antonio is an urban city with light traffic and minimal crime rate which is rare compared to large cities as Dallas.

Whatever the reason you are looking for a home in San Antonio, you surely won't be disappointed. This city has a lot to offer its residents, both existing, and new. The pricing in San Antonio isn't as high as some cities around the country of similar size which makes this a relatively affordable place to live and work. Because the housing prices are not overly high there is a potential to see increased equity in your new home investment. San Antonio is growing and anytime an area is growing the demand on the housing market will cause home values to increase which can be a big win for you and your family.

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Conservatories Canterbury A Must Have Addition To Your Home

By John Mills

Conservatories Canterbury are more than another room in your home, they are another world within your world. Having an greenhouse close at hand will enable you to escape when you see fit, and indulge your hobby to its fullest extent. This does not just improve your house, it improves your quality of life.

Perhaps you are in the habit of growing your own food. You are spoiled with the herbs from your own garden in your cooking. Winter comes along and spoils the whole operation for you. With your own glass house you can enjoy fresh produce all year around. The right glass, the right lamps, and the right temperature all comes together to deliver what you work so hard for.

If you are a serious gardener, far more than the weekend variety, then you can use the space to improve on you own skills. Perhaps there are exotic plants that you have been wanting to master. This affords you a way to see how far you can take your skills. Whatever your goals are with gardening, a home greenhouse is the way to reach them.

Earn yourself some recognition from your gardening friends. You could work on something beyond what they outdoor garden could support. Find something that would not otherwise thrive in your area and give it a shot. This is your opportunity to see how beautiful and how incredible the plants you cultivate can truly be.

This hobby is known to reduce stress levels. It helps to take your mind off of your troubles, and refocuses your attention on something else. It puts you in touch with nature, which in and of itself has an incredible capacity to be therapeutic for people. Plants and flowers require attentions and care, but it is of a completely different kind than you experience in other areas of life.

Aside from being a tense and uncomfortable feeling, stress can also aggravate many physical health conditions. By keeping stress levels under control in your garden you will be taking a step towards better overall health. Of course, if under a physician's care please consult with him or her first before making any changes to your routine.

Consider conservatories Canterbury when planning your next addition to improve your life. You may be surprised how changed things become once you have your own greenhouse. Talk to others and see how they like it, or research the possibilities you could use the space for.

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Buddhist Funerals - Importance And Traditions

By Amy Tan

A Buddhist funeral consists of extensive last rites performed according to sacred rituals and traditions. Buddhists believe that the soul is given freedom from the worldly cycle of life and death from the deceased's mortal body during the funeral services and is able to find a new level and move to a greater existence.

The Buddhist funeral ceremonies which conclude with cremation in most cases, are carried out by Buddhist monks with the aid of the bereaved family. After a person has breathed his last, Buddhist monks chant from the holy scriptures which are expected to free the soul's positive energies. In the meantime, the body is prepared and embalmed so that even if the cremation takes place after some days of the death, the body doesn't decompose. Once the body is bathed, it is put along with candlesticks, flowers and incense in a coffin along with a photograph of the dead person.

If the funeral is delayed by some days for distant relatives to bid their final goodbyes, the monks visit the deceased person's house daily and chant verses from the Abhidharma, an important Buddhist holy scripture.

On the day of the funeral, monks perform the last rites and their chief delivers a short speech in honour of the dead person highlighting his achievements in life and consoling the bereaved family that death is inevitable. Other rituals like wrapping the casket with a white cloth during the religious incantation and Pansakula, a custom of passing on virtues and blessings to the departed soul are also carried out.

Prior to the cremation, one of the family members or closest kin has to say something about the deceased. A light meal for all the attendees is arranged after the Buddhist funeral ceremony and the cremation is done.

Some differences in the specific rituals may be found in various cultures, but these are the important rituals followed during a Buddhist funeral in many countries like China, Thailand, and Tibet by the followers of the religion.

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Becoming Professional With Your Bridal

By Jo Wong

A wedding is the kind of occasion that people want to display pictures of for years to come. Guaranteeing quality and highly skilled photography is something every bride and groom wants. If you choose to be a wedding photographer you can make a lot of money by doing so. As well as the money though there is the risk that you must manage well.

If this is going to be your first wedding shoot you will want to make sure your contract is written up properly and a disclaimer included in it. If you don't have a disclaimer you could be sued afterwards. For example, you should include that you are not responsible for pictures that might get lost after you send the film away to get developed, or pictures that do not come out clear due to equipment failure. Otherwise you could get sued for breach of contract.

The hourly rate and how many pictures are to be taken should also be included in the contract. Something else you should include would be the fees for developing and the fee of the album. Make sure you discuss with your clients what their requirements are. There could be a particular family member that they want photographed separately, or a certain group of people they do not get to see very often.

Your clients will probably request certain photographs so make sure you make a list. Generally your clients will want pictures of the pre-ceremony, wedding ceremony, post-ceremony and of course the reception. Discuss with the clients about which shots they want and who's going to be in the pictures. Not every client will be the same so pay attention to what they are saying.

A deposit should be made after you book your clients in. Most people will pay you 50% prior to the wedding and the remaining afterwards. You should set a date when the remaining amount will be paid because you do not want to be bothering the bride and groom during the reception for payment! It would look very unprofessional if you did.

Photoshop is a good program to use if you are going to be processing the pictures yourself. Flaw removal, montage, and changing the color are a few of the enhancements you can use with Photoshop.

Look for ways to add extra value that you have not told them about. This will always generate good feelings. A special surprise will keep everyone talking and generating more business for you in the future. Think different. Imagine for example if you uploaded all their pictures onto a password protected part of your website so that they and their friends can login and view.

In the end doing bridal photography can be lucrative and fun as long as you build on your people skills.

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Carbon Credits And Its Advantages

By Ronald Morgan

The terms carbon trading and carbon credits are often referred in conferences about global warming everywhere, but not everyone comprehends what is meant by these words. Carbon trading is a system whereby greenhouse gas emissions are limited under the Kyoto Protocol, and these limits are then allocated throughout the global market in such a manner as to promote lower emissions or lessen release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

Governments and industrial units in many countries are permitted a certain number of carbon credits, giving them the right to emit a limited quantity of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. One carbon credit amounts to the release of one ton of carbon dioxide. This basically means that high-emission entities can purchase carbon credits from low-emission industries, thereby maintaining the net global emissions within the stipulated cap.

The good thing about this system is that businesses and industries causing pollution of the environment have to pay for their excesses in the form of purchase of carbon credits from the trading market. However, both entities selling and buying the credits can be found in the carbon credits world market. Hence the economy as a whole does not lose out at all, while companies with environment friendly processes make higher profits. This makes companies move away from the carbon-intensive methods of manufacturing, and so the emission levels decrease.

Free trade of carbon credits on stock exchanges allows greener energy and process usage of an organization to be incentivised and capitalized, whether the company is a small one or a big one. This trading strategy makes sure immediate and great rewards for companies with a low emission record. Moreover, with countries and their administration involved in the idea, national governments on their part would have to ask local companies to decrease emissions, and thus these governments would be pulled out of their conventional stance of indifference towards environmental matters.

Other alternatives like carbon tax are also implemented in some countries of the world, which brings to book high emission organizations rather than financially incentivising the low emission ones. The efficacy of such schemes is still an issue of debate.

So far carbon trading has been most successful as a method and within a short period has been able to successfully address the problem of high carbon emissions. The carbon trading market has seen huge increase in the last few years, which most people perceive as proof that the system works quite well.

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Complete Information On High Pressure Tanning Beds

By Gisela J. Watson

A new class of tanning beds, known as high pressure tanning beds, has been developed that enables users to get a dark tan in a short duration of time. These beds deliver much better results and are a lot safer than their low pressure counterparts.

The high pressure tanning beds are so named due to the sort of lamps that come with it. Made of quartz, these lamps measure about 2 inches in length with a high wattage of a thousand. These are fixed behind powerful glass filters which permit only specific rays of predetermined wave lengths to pass thru. Also, the pressure of the gases which inhabit the space within the quartz lamp is at a far higher level then in the ordinary atmosphere which is why the beds are referred to as 'high pressure.'

These tanning beds are engineered to block the majority of the ultraviolet B light while allowing about enough to pass thru to excite the melanocytes the skin pigment cells . As a result, more ultraviolet A light makes contact with the melanin, that leads to a good tan with extremely low risk of skin problems. In comparison, their low pressure counterparts produce a higher percentage of ultraviolet B rays anywhere between 4 to 6 p.c. , which suggests that lots more ultraviolet B rays pass through to your skin.

Another major feature that renders these beds more interesting to tanning lovers is the time needed to create a good base tan. You need customarily only three to 5 sessions a session is of 20 minute duration to get a base tan. This is because of the fact that these beds block out most of the ultraviolet B light, thereby reducing the negative impact on the skin's upper layer epidermis. This means that your skin stays moisturized and holds the tan longer. The acquired tan also needs less maintenance than that got thru a low pressure tanning bed. You can simply retain your tan by using this kind of beds for only two or three times a month.

What's more, the beds are also great at saving time and money.. After the initial investment, you may sustain your tan a lot more effortlessly and with tiny spending of further dough. Diseases like skin cancer have been a concern during the past with the low pressure tanning beds ; but with the ultraviolet B ray obstructing capacity of the high pressure beds, the apprehensions are now significantly reduced. Also, the tanning afforded by the beds is of a much superior quality and render your skin a gorgeous golden brown color.

Therefore, the beds are a certainly a good way to get a tan minus the risks and are entirely cost effective too. They most certainly herald a revolution in the tanning industry.

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Retirement Gift Ideas They'll Appreciate

By Greg Holmes

Throwing a retirement party and giving a great gift can be such a special treat for the guest of honor. They will know that a lot of thought and planning went into the festivities and gift selection, and that message will be priceless. Isn't that the kind of gift you want to give to your retiree? The hardest part is narrowing your retirement gift ideas down to one.

Customary retiree gifts from businesses comprise desk clocks, pen sets, passport holders, wall clocks, paperweights, ornaments, money clips, stock options in the company, luggage, manicure or grooming sets, watches and plaques or awards. Even though these are a nice touch, let's face it, they are all rather boring. They tend to collect dust somewhere in a corner and won't be looked at a lot.

Instead, many times retirement gift ideas that co-workers, friends or relatives come up with are funny gifts. They are not only humorous, but they often say so much more than a traditional gift. A funny and well thought out gag gift conveys to the recipient that you think they have a good sense of humor, you think of them fondly and you feel comfortable teasing them. Retirees who get gag gifts tend to cherish them more because they embody fun and friendship. Two funny and personal gag gift ideas are pink golf balls for a super macho athlete or an analgesic ointment for an ex jock with bad knees.

If your retiree is leaving a corporate desk job, then items that would make good gifts for them include jewelry boxes, valet trays, MP3 cases, wine, coffee, tea or chocolate lover gift sets, signed picture frames, card sets or personalized poems.

Think about what you know of the person. Did they enjoy the career they are leaving? Do they like to play sports? Do they want to travel? With the answers to these questions come quality retirement gift ideas so that you can find a memorable gift especially for them. A good rule of thumb is to make sure your gift is relative to an activity he or she enjoys or something they will find useful, and you can't lose. Of course it will take a little more shopping, but your extra effort will pay off in the end.

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Internal Hemorrhoid

By Aneron Kepasil

Hemorrhoids are swelled or inflamed veins located in either the rectum or anus. Hemorrhoids causes extreme pain in an individual and symptoms of hemorrhoids can be increased with rubbing or scratching of the hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids causes vary by individual, but include obesity, prolonged sitting, hypertension, dehydration, or pregnancy. This article is dedicated hemorrhoids causes and home remedy solutions.

Colon hydrotherapy (or colonic irrigation) is a natural solution to hemorrhoids. With colon hydrotherapy, warm and cold water are used in an alternating fashion in order to relax and then constrict the vessels. Because hemorrhoids are characterized by poor circulation, this process is used to get the blood flowing once again so that circulation returns to normal.

Stool softeners are usually used to prevent hard stools which can cause more pressure on the internal hemorrhoid. There are many types of stool softeners available. The most common are suppositories that are inserted directly into the anus. They usually have an immediate effect and are given within good proximity of a toilet. Oral suppositories are usually taken to help in regulating the digestive system and to help prevent constipation

Natural treatments of an internal hemorrhoid include warm soaks, stool softeners, increased fiber intake and over the counter medicines. For the itching and burning symptoms, warm soaks can help in soothing and decreasing the inflammation. You'll want to do the soaks at least four or five times a day in plain bath water to achieve the full soothing affect.

Hydrotherapy is another home treatment used to relieve hemorrhoids. Simply soaking your body in a warm bathtub has been shown to reduce the swelling that a condition of severe hemorrhoids causes. Hydrotherapy works by causing the vessels in and around the rectal region to relax, which in turn reduces swelling.

Calmovil is an effective solution for curing hemorrhoids. Its clinically proven ingredients are both natural and effective. The success of Calmovil has been proven with clinical trials. In these trials, Calmovil has been demonstrated to relieve itchy, painful, and inflamed hemorrhoids. Doctors agree about hemorrhoids and how to naturally cure them. Calmovil is #1 doctor recommended. With its money back guarantee and 60 day risk free trial, Calmovil is the obvious choice for anyone looking for a completely natural remedy for hemorrhoids.

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Sources For Small Business Grants

By John Goldman

Small business grants are a boon for businessmen eager to start their small but significant business. However many people are unaware about these types of grants and are confused about the myriad of information they get from friends and well wishers.

However, to get accurate information about these business grants you can rely on the internet you can get a lot of information on the net on small business grants. There are links that can provide you information on government grants and assistance too. These links can also enable you to find the small business grants schemes that are available in your own hometown.

Helpful authentic factors:

There are no direct small business grants that you can get from the federal government. However, there are state development agencies which can offer you some direct small business grants. There are also other types of financial assistance which is provided in order to encourage and also to assist the entrepreneurs to start or to expand small businesses.

Some useful links:

You get to have an access to a list of links to each state's economic development agency sites. So, when you have time, you can go through the links to find about the specific financing resources. The federal government through SBA can offer you with a host of attractive loans to start and also to expand a small business. You get to know on the funds and grant that are offered to you from the site.

You need to have access to a number of sources to each state's cost effective advancement agency locations. So, when you have time, you can go through the links to find about the specialized financing assets. The federal government through SBA can provide you with plenty of loan offers in order to start a business or for its expansion. You can know about funds and grants through internet sources.

Define Small Business Administration:

Financing your business:

Sponsoring your concern:

There are many links through which you can find small business finance from the federal government. You can search for small business grants on various websites. There are also offer of small business channel to the government grants and loans on the site for you. You get to know how to get the government loans, business investment and grants for your small business.

There is also innovation of grants for the green technology development on the site which you get to preview. Through this link, you get to know about the financial assistance for small businesses that can develop green technologies.

There is also alteration of grants for the environmental know-how advancement on the site which you get to preview. Through this link, you get to know about the monetary help for small businesses that can develop natural technologies.

Are small businesses useful for getting the grant from the government?
Approximately, fifty percent of the private employees are hired by 25 million of small businesses in America. Such business can generate more than fifty percent of the country's gross domestic product. This way, such small businesses are the principal source of latest jobs in the market of US.

Can SBA help an individual with grant assistance?

Of course, if one's business is at present or will be owned independently and also operated, the SBA can help that individual. Also, if the organization is not prominent in the discipline and meets all the business size principles that are vital, then also the SBA can help the person for the grant.

About the Author:

Confused About Choosing Your Wedding Jewellery?

By Lisa Matthews

If you have never been married or been part of a wedding, you may not realize that the wedding dress and accessories are one of the most vital parts of the bride's big day. If you think your prom dress was a big deal, wait until you start looking for your wedding dress! Only then will you fully understand its significance.

Once you do have a wedding dress, you need wedding jewellery which can include a necklace, earrings, bracelet and even hair jewellery. The jewellery you pick for your big day is mostly determined by your personal preferences.

If you like to stick with traditional jewellery, you will be looking more at pearls or precious gemstones. Some brides like to go with simple gold or silver chains, but there are so many options to consider if you want to look you very best on your big day.

Your choice of jewellery should not take away from your wedding dress. If your wedding dress is ornate with rhinestones or pearls either mixed through all over or around the neckline, it is recommended that you do not wear a necklace at all since it can appear overcomplicated and overshadow your dress. Some families have traditions where the jewellery pieces that the bride wears are heirlooms that are passed down from generation to generation. This may mean that you match your wedding dress to your jewellery. Experts suggest that you do not choose dark gemstones or pearls as they are overpowering. Going with blue topaz, diamonds and lighter colored gems are usually the better choice

There are also ways to make sure the neck piece you wear complements the neckline of your wedding dress. For instance, a choker or a nice drop pendant necklace would complement a sweetheart neckline whereas a square neckline can be complemented by a single or double strand necklace. Naturally, the remainder of your wedding jewellery and bridal accessories should match your necklace.

Keep in mind the hardest part is to find jewellery that is the focal point of your entire look, whilst at the same time does not overpower or distract from your dress.

Finally, if you are not sure, It may help if you do some research and pick the brains of wedding attire and accessories experts.

About the Author:

Mlm Success System, The Real Truth

By Aaron Chen

Having MLM success, is something that a lot of people yearn to achieve. There are so many MLM distributors out in the market place who are struggling very badly and who need help. That is probably why you are reading this article right now. You too, are searching for MLM success by using some sort of system.

Well you are in luck my friend! After months and months of researching, learning, doing and tweaking, I have really found the answer and have discovered that MLM success is not just about a company, a product, or even the marketing.

It is really about combining 6 elements of success together in perfect synergy that will allow someone to reach their full potential in the MLM industry.

1. Sell YOU

The first thing that every marketer needs to understand, is that this is a people business, and people only buy from other people that they like and trust. Therefore, it is crucial that you never sell your MLM business from the front end.

Instead, you need to be selling the one thing that other distributors can NEVER duplicate or copy - YOU! Learn how to sell yourself and provide value to the market place through Attraction Marketing and you will be able draw prospects towards you and your business.

2. Marketing

The key is to learn the most cutting edge marketing techniques that are available online, so that you can market your message to the world and build a strong international team and organization. But the only successful and quick way you can do this, is to apply a system to your business.

A system that can teach you from A to Z, exactly what you need to put in place, so that you can capture people's information and generate leads, learn step by step how to market effectively on different platforms, build strong relationships from half way around the world and create multiple streams of cash flow so you can stay in the business longer.

3. On Going Personal Development

This element is often the most ignored out of the 6 but one of the most important. This industry is really about improving your personal skill set so that you can speak better, write better, market better, convert better, prospect better and recruit better than you did when you first started.

I have personally spent thousands on my personal growth and development and know individuals who went from shy people, to outgoing alpha personalities over the course of their career. From nobodies to superstars. And they all had one thing in common, they put time into developing themselves and their skill set.

4. The Business Opportunity

This is a no brainer, but yes, the MLM business you join is very important. It has to be a solid and strong company with a good reputation and compensation plan. It also needs to have a product that has an untapped and wide open market. The cost of joining the business needs to be low especially in times of recession, or the business and retention rate is just going to suffer.

Also, do not join companies that are too old. Their growth is probably already pretty flat and your chances of success will be slimmer.

5. Market Trends

It is very important to join a business that takes advantage of the current trends. The closer you follow this, the easier it is to achieve success. Some trends to follow are information or internet based products. Why fight it? Success of these types of MLM's is inevitable.

MLM is the industry of the average person, so it is very important that the cost of the business is as low as possible. Also, the product has to be something that people will continue to pay for in times of hardship.

6. Join A Strong Team

I ended with this because this could be the most important factor out of the 6. Let's put it this way, if you joined a mediocre company, but was part of an amazing team, with a great team leader and a great support system, your chances of success will be very high.

However, if the opposite was true, and you joined a bad team that had no support, no system and no direction, you could be in the best business in the world and you would still suffer.

Some people go for years trying to find that magic bullet without succeeding. Well, I have just laid it out to you plain and simple. If you can master these 6 components and find a team that can offer you all these things, your MLM success system will be complete.

About the Author:

Wakeup Call, for you

By Carrie Spry

Unconscious living is how I could sum up most of my life. I felt out of control, my life was running itself. Decisions just make themselves, before I can actually think about them. How in the world did I end up in this situation? My life feels like one long fuzzy dream. The only thing I know for sure is this moment right now. I mean, I do have memories, but how can I be sure they were real?

I realized that if I wanted to be truly happy, that I would have to consciously make decisions. I'm not talking about preconditioned answers that we are all programmed to answer. I'm talking about actually thinking about what I am doing each day, be there in the moment, and making a decision based on that.

This is your chance to wake up. What did you do today? Was is the same as yesterday, did you perform the same functions and in the same manner? WAKE UP! Enjoy your life. We as a global community are all awakening, I don't know yet what we are awakening to, but we are awakening, none the less. A must read is Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth." If you are not that fond of reading, you can check out Oprah's and Eckhart's on line web classes. The knowledge is amazing.

If you want positive change to occur in your life, please learn to live consciously in everyday life. Watch the movie the secret, keep an open mind. My life has transformed over the past few years. I just simply can't believe what I have been missing. Maybe I just wasn't ready. I am not trying to convince you of anything. I just want you to open your eyes and see what you can see.

Our whole world is shifting. We no longer look to outside influences to make our decisions for us. We are more and more independent everyday. We are searching for our own truth. Thankfully, we will not be killed because of it. We are free to believe what we want to believe. Many of us are not comfortable with change, luckily, these people are quickly becoming a minority. It's time to wake up and make our own decisions. It's time to find our own truths.

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Regression Therapy - Why You Should Remember Past Lives

By David Shakkid

Are you suffering from feelings of abandonment? Do you have an addictive personality? Does it seem like you are always the victim of an evil person? Do you have issues with rage or anger? What are your relationships like; are they healthy? Do you feel like something is missing even though you seem to have it all?

If you think that you are having issues on one of these areas and you tried every possible way to address them but they still keep on coming around then you MUST read this article as you may never have considered that Regression Therapy could help solve all your problems!

Regression Therapy looks at healing from a holistic approach. Ones body, mind and spirit are all inter connected and affect each other. Regression Therapy seeks to take a client back into past experiences through hypnotic type venues, while the mind is kept aware.

These previous experiences include episodes of one's adulthood, adolescence, early childhood, and the period wherein the individual is still inside the mother's womb.

Past life regression therapy however takes this a step further and takes clients back in time to before conception; to a time before their previous life.

This idea of having had previous lives is very difficult for most people to come to terms with, but there is actually overwhelming evidence to suggest that this present life is just one of many which we experience.

Clients have been known to speak in foreign languages or recite "memories" of famous battles and wars. Some even conclude that they lived during pre-historic times and remember hunting big game with their spouse, who is in fact their current mate.

What is really exciting is when people can manage to physically verify information about things that they remembered during their past life regression therapy session. This can be done by looking at old parish records etc.

All around the world you can find heavily documented evidence of children who can still remember their past life. By visiting the places they used to live in their previous life they even get to meet living 'relatives' who they know inexplicably everything about.

It really helps in this life if we know what happened to us during those times in the past, because this form part of the way we look at this life, thus giving us the ultimate comprehension of ourselves and the patterns of our perspective.

A term called Faulty Thoughts was coined by regression therapists. This describes the negative internal dialogue that we have and may have created in another life experience. It becomes a part of the emotional baggage we carry around with us today.

The only person who can change these negative thought processes is the one who created them in the first place. For this reason, the client must undergo regression therapy that enables him or her to change the negative energy into positive. This can be achieved by things like forgiveness, karmic repayment and re-patterning.

Forgiveness is a basic biblical principle; the entire faith is dependent upon it. Karmic repayment is the idea that we must repay the wrongs we have committed even if they are from a previous life. Basically correct the bad behavior to correct the bad karma.

After taking these measures to rid one of negative feelings, we can re-pattern our energy field into a positive thing, with good feelings of tranquility and peace.

Regression therapy can be hard on you but is truly life changing. Clients nearly universally report having a more positive outlook on life and a feeling of renewal.

This change does not come without a price however. To be fully successful one must be totally committed to exploring their mind in order to change their life dramatically.

Regression therapy is a fascinating subject, and you should seriously think about trying it yourself either just out of interest, to discover who you were in a previous life, or to help you with present day problems.

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Browns Top Bills In Bumbling Offensive Display

By Ross Everett

In a matchup between two of the worst offenses in the NFL, someone had to win. Despite producing only 9 first downs and'3 yards of total offense, the Cleveland Browns got a late game field goal from Billy Cundiff to defeat the Buffalo Bills 6-3 and win their first game of the season. The Bills had the more productive afternoon statistically, with- first downs and 288 yards of offense but were undone by three costly turnovers. Both teams are now 1-4 on the 2009 NFL season.

To successfully bet on the NFL, one needs to find opportunities to play underdogs"this is particularly true in games where neither team is expected to put many points on the board. Such was the case here, as Cleveland easily covered the pointspread as +6 road underdogs. Both teams are now 2-3 against the number on the season. The Browns have now won and covered the last three head to head matchups between the teams. The 9 points scored came nowhere near the total of 41 for an easy UNDER. The Browns have now gone UNDER in 3 of their 5 games this season, while Buffalo has OVER on three of their five posted NFL totals.

It was a game without many highlights. The Browns got on the board first with a 24 yard Cundiff field goal in the second quarter, and took that 3-0 lead into the locker room at halftime. Buffalo would tie the score in third on a Rian Lindell 36 yard field goal. That would set the stage for Cundiff to nail the game winner from' yards out with: 23 left to play. Despite todays victory, Cleveland is averaging a woeful 11 points per game this season.

The real loser in Sundays contest may have been Buffalo head coach Dick Jauron. Many were surprised that he was retained after the Bills third straight 7-9 season last year and things have gone from bad to worse so far in the 2009 NFL season. Buffalo has lost to winless teams in back to back weeks, part of a three game losing streak. Overall, the Bills have wound up losers in 12 of their last 15 games. Not that Cleveland has done much better--the win today ended a 10 game losing streak, one short of the all time franchise record.

Cleveland will have a tough road assignment next Sunday, heading to Pittsburgh to face the World Champion Steelers. Theyll return home for a game against the Green Bay Packers on October 25th before playing the Chicago Bears in The Windy City the following week. Buffalo will play the next two on the road, heading to the Meadowlands next Sunday for a game against the New York Jets followed by a trip to Charlotte, NC to take on the Carolina Panthers. Theyll return home on November 1st to face the Houston Texans.

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How To Become a Certified Hypnotherapy Professional

By Simon Green

Many famous academies offer authentic courses on hypnosis, particularly on its therapeutic branch, hypnotherapy. It is possible to become a highly skilled hypnotherapist with appropriate knowledge to use this art in everyday life through these training modules.

Hypnosis training instructs you how to delve deep into the deep caverns of human mind and unravel the underlying reasons behind the problems the person is suffering from. Personality development of the self as well as of individuals around you can be attained if you make use of the knowledge and skills gained from such training.

It takes more than just attending a course to undergo effective hypnosis training. To become a successful hypnotist, one needs to supplement his theoretical knowledge of the subject imparted by the course with repeated practice and unfailing determination. A person having a healthy and unbound mind is in a more fitting position to assimilate and absorb the knowledge provided in hypnosis training. An individual possessing such a mind also possesses positive qualities like high attentiveness, fearlessness and unbeatable will power.

Hypnotherapy is a potent curative remedy that brings with it a variety of advantages. Hypnotherapy training can bring a revolutionary change in a person by enabling him to get in touch with the subconscious. Positive thoughts can be implanted in a person's subconscious through this method, which can bring about crucial behavioural changes, thus helping him overcome his deficiencies.

Hypnosis can be directed either towards your own self, termed as self hypnosis, or towards another individual. Self hypnosis is a great means towards self-realization and self-enhancement that helps the person become more confident, a good speaker, great manager in public relations, and therefore more successful in his career. A slight scraping of the subconscious to remove the layers of depressing thoughts can do miracles in raising enthusiasm and determination in the person's mind.

Hypnotherapy training can also be used in a profession by people who help affected individuals come out of their maladies. An able hypnotherapist can cure all kinds of psychological disorders. Stress, irrational fears, addiction, childhood disorders and a lot of other mental illnesses find their successful solutions in right hypnosis. Hypnotherapy can also be displayed on the streets just to spread awareness about the subject and to inform the society about the powers of the subconscious mind.

Through hypnosis training, one can acquire skills for professional use and also develop a capability to deal with hostile situations and tough people, and hence it is a perfect tool for self-improvement for people from all fields and of all ages.

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Urizol - Fast, effective, natural relief from UTI symptoms

By Aneron Kepasil

UTIs, or urinary tract infections, affect millions of people every year. They are most common in women, but men and children are susceptible as well. UTIs occur when bacteria attaches to the urethra's (the tube that lets urine flow from the bladder to the outside of the body) opening and multiply. Nearly all UTIs are caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli), bacteria which normally lives in the colon. People suffering from urinary tract infections can experience frequent urination, back pain, burning when urinating, pressure around the bladder or generalized fatigue and weakness, while others have no symptoms at all.

Cranberry juice has been a popular natural treatment for centuries. This treatment has been used as an effective way to flush the bacteria. The treatment is also thought to be especially effective because it can prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract system. Cranberry juice can also inhibit the growth of bacteria.

The symptoms of a urinary tract infection are: a strong urge to urinate, a burning sensation when urinating, blood or bacteria in the urine, a strong odor from the urine, unable to pass large amounts of urine. What causes a urinary tract infection? There are many factors that can bring on a urinary infection. Such factors and causes of a urinary tract infection are the following: being a female, being sexually active, age, birth control medication, diabetes, and reoccurring tract infections.

You can do several things once you suspect that you have a urinary tract infection. One thing you can do that may help is to drink plenty of water and stay away from pop or other drinks that have sugar in them. Then, call your physician and make an appointment to find out if your suspicions are true. In addition, another home treatment that has been used to help with urinary tract infections is cranberry juice. Cranberry juice can sometimes be effective when dealing with a urinary tract infection. Cranberry juice has helped many and you can also buy cranberry supplements. For more complete and professional advice, speak with your physician.

The most common solution to a urinary tract infection is to take doctor prescribed antibiotics, but there are some natural alternatives for those who do not wish to go that route. One common way to treat a bladder infection naturally is cranberry juice. Cranberry juice is high in acidity, which can help restore the natural pH balance found in the bladder and help fight off those nasty germs that caused the problem in the first place. You need to be careful though when using cranberry juice for a bladder infection because the high acidity of the juice can in some cases cause more irritation and inflammation.

Urizol is a new, natural herbal supplement designed to address the root causes of UTI infections while providing quick relief of symptoms. Using a special blend of ingredients including cranberry, asparagus, Echinacea and more, Urizol will treat UTI infections quickly, safely and effectively. Urizol provides diuretic, antibacterial and immune boosting properties, in addition to disinfecting the urinary tract and reducing irritation. Scientifically formulated, Urizol is the ideal natural supplement for the treatment of UTI infections.

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When Making Dreams Come True Is As Easy As Brushing Our Teeth

By Masami Sato

What if making dreams come true is just so easy? Can we let go of our doubts? Is it possible? How can we do it so magically so that it is as easy as brushing our teeth? This excerpt from ONE Book by Masami Sato shows us exactly how to do it step-by-step, preparing you to start walking towards your dreams today.

Every one of us has dreams. But every one does not have faith in themselves to have and live those dreams in their own lifetime. In reality, the secret of having such assurance is simple. The reason for our doubting it so much is also clear.

We can now start by asking ourselves the first question..

Why do we not do the things we want to do?

Often, our thoughts stop our actions. Sometimes the more we think about it, the less we become committed to accomplish what we initially wanted to do. Because the more we think about it, we come up with more and more reasons for not doing it.

Then is it possible that one can be certain that one will definitely accomplish what one wants to do in his life?

Sure, absolutely! To start with, let us look at the power of habits

If we are scheduled to go to a meeting tomorrow night, we wouldn't spend lots of time thinking whether we can get there or not. We wouldn't be concerned about the chance of having a car accident and missing the appointment. Just like when we are walking to the bathroom, we wouldn't worry that the toilet might be broken!

We have so much more certainty about these types of 'normal' actions we take every day. They're habits.

But, we doubt our dreams

Most interestingly, there are plenty of things we are not equally sure about. Particularly the things that we really want to in life - our Dreams!

Then, what is the secret for the conviction that we will accomplish our dreams?

First: Simply make it a daily habit!

We can begin with being more assured about our actions to fulfil our desires - the type of dreams that really nurtures our life.

So, for example, if your dream is to give and contribute to society and giving is a key desire in your life, there is no reason to doubt that it's possible for you to contribute to others. It can just become one of your daily habits.

Second: Try to make it as important (and as much easy) as brushing teeth..

Making a dream come true can be just like cleaning the teeth. It gives a very uncomfortable feeling if teeth are not brushed for a long time, isn't it? Nobody spends hours thinking which brand of toothpaste to use or postpone brushing till there is some specific need to show clean teeth. We feel ill at ease with teeth that are not clean. So we just clean them. It is as simple as that.

Back to our example, if giving is our utmost desire, then we need to ask ourselves these questions: What if giving actually was as important as brushing our teeth? What if it makes us feel good? And what if it kept our life healthy?

No matter whether we have a lot or very little just now, we can definitely start giving it and sharing it with others today. No matter how seemingly unbelievable it is to fulfil our dreams, we can start proceeding towards them today. We should view it as something crucial, a priority issue that we should practice every day! Then we would feel unhappy if we don't do it. Just like brushing our teeth.

and Third: Always give first, then we will get

When we are ready to give first before we have even got what we yearn for - what we are dreaming of - we are sending a strong message to ourselves which says, 'there is enough, and more will come.' It lets us know the joy today - the joy of sharing.

If you want to be rich, be generous. And you'll be blessed with abundance. If you want to be superbly intelligent, don't be afraid to teach others. And you'll know more. If you want to give, just give selflessly. Do not attach any expectation of return. Just let go. And joy will automatically be rewarded to you. The simple joy of giving.

So do not be hesitant to dole out and share what you have, for it will not prevent you from achieving your purpose, whatever it is. It will only help you to realise your dreams more easily. And your journey through that path would be full of joy.

But are not habits smaller, in comparison with our BIG dreams?

Just manage do it, no need to worry about the 'scale'.

Because anything can take place in life. We might get started in a pretty simple way. And these simple things might lead us to another act, and form there to another. Our confidence in our simple actions and executing them one by one constantly takes us forward. But if we feel that it is unfeasible to do something now because it is simply unachievable, it is unlikely to ever happen.

The power to achieve one's dreams has always been there, and will always be there. Those who have managed wonders, sensations, and real joy, already know this. They go on using it.

Visions and miracles do not happen accidentally. We choose to create them.

So, would you probably start going towards your dreams today?

Contents are excerpted with minor modification from ONE, a book written by Masami Sato. To get a free copy of ONE, visit www.B1G1.com and start sharing the joy of giving. Feel free to use or republish the content of the above article, fully or partially, as long as it is preserved in its original content, with proper attribution to Masami Sato and www.B1G1.com.

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Importance Of Corporate Gifts In A Slow Economy

By Zach Jones

Clients-company associations play a decisive role in defining the growth of any company. Companies, which can attract, satisfy and hold their customer base will always be able to survive the turbulent times. Corporate gifts are an unfailing way of maintaining good relationship with your clients. These gifts, which may cost the company a negligible amount, will ensure that the customers are happy, making it a good marketing strategy even in times of recession.

The receiver of the gift should be duly considered when choosing a corporate gift, as his or her liking the gift is the single most important aim of the whole exercise. The gift may be attached to a promotional initiative, while unveiling a new product, or simply distributed at regular intervals to keep the customer in a good spirit.

The gifts could range from coffee mugs, stationery to even a bottle of wine. A clever way to generate customers' recall about the company is to emblazon a logo on the gift item.

Think about a gift that gives when you are considering about corporate gifts. More and more people are changing over to different ways of thinking and want others to benefit. Buy1GIVE1, KIVA and Change The Present are organisations that can offer gift value to your clients and staff. Check Buy1GIVE1 out at www.b1g1.com.

As the gift speaks for the company, the quality of the gift must be in accordance with the standard and quality the company delivers. An inferior gift will only be an exercise in futility as it won't be able to convey the gratitude that the company wants to show to its clients. In a depressed economy where the clients are always on a lookout for better deals elsewhere, it is even more critical not to give them any opportunity to feel upset with your company.

Corporate gifts therefore are one of the best promotional strategies under the limitations of a limited budget. If used judiciously, they can help a business keep customer relationships alive through the turmoil of recession.

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Investor Mind Control: Is It For Real?

By James Scott

Discovering the 'thumbscrews' of investors is crucial to getting them to take action. In over a decade of dealing with global investors there are several elements that I've discovered to be universal truths about the mind of the private investor (angel investor, accredited investor).

When talking to an investor for the first time, it's more important to listen than to speak. It's more important to ask questions than answer them. It's more important to discover their needs and wants than to exclaim your own. Your first conversation with an investor should be all about piercing the armor and finding the trigger points that prompt a reaction that gets to the center of their 'childlike' state.

What I mean by this is, investors, just like anyone else, has insecurities that are rooted in their childhood and what they are outwardly today, is typically a polar opposite of what they are on the inside. For example, an arrogant, chest beater seems proud and obnoxious on the outside but the reality is that they are over compensating for an insecurity that is rooted in an individual or collection of childhood incidents.

Maybe they were made fun of as a child, maybe they're father was verbally abusive, maybe their teachers would single them out in class opening them up to playground mockery. When talking to these individuals it's important to listen to their voice and intonation when the conversation topic changes. Take notes on their psychological adjustments to the conversation. After you feel you have discovered the triggers that induce the 'pleasurable' responses, end the call, and set your second phone appointment with them.

On that second call, you want to have your conversation ready to go using the triggers you found in the first conversation. Play off of those insecurities that you found, become their best friend without being chummy but it is your mission on this call to be the "guy that understand me" to the investor. You want the overall tone of this conversation to have the response from your target along the theme of, "wow, this guy gets me" , "I can see investing in this company".

By using this method and not coming across as 'fake', you have become an investment opportunity and a shrink all rolled into one. You want to be the one person that this investor can lower his guard to because everything he says, you seem to be the one person who understands him at his deepest level. You seem to naturally be tuned into his insecurities, emotions, needs and wants. Sound strange? Try this out on the next investor you talk to, I guaranty you will be shocked with the results.

About the Author:

21 Questions To Ask A Guy

By David Web

Questions are the most amazingly simple things that we can come up with when we want to learn about someone else.

Dale Carnegie in his timeless bestselling book, "How to win friends and influence people" talks about the benefit of asking questions to show that we are interested in connecting with someone else.

Have you been to a party and been the one asking all the questions and doing all the listening? If you have, you will most likely attest that the other person thought that the conversation was quite interesting. You probably did less that 20% of the speaking but you got 100% of the credit!

If you are a guy and ask careful questions from a lady, you will often find yourself jumping to last-base, thus saving yourself a lot of legwork trying to build rapport with her. Asking questions and listening is one of the most naturally flattering things you can do to anyone.

If you are a lady and want to stroke a guy's ego and make him feel good then ask lots of interesting questions and then listen to the answers. You will have the guy on a string from there on!

Despite the ego-stroking that can happen, if you ask and listen there is also a genuine side to the picture as well. Because people who're genuinely interested in someone else, are the people who are most popular and well liked. Faking interest is the worst thing you can do. And at the end of the day, if you are not a natural listener then put yourself to the test and practice. You will start to learn SO much about so many things and you will discover parts of people that are just SO interesting to learn about.

Here's 21 questions to ask a guy or girl to get conversation jump-started. They have been written from a female perspective, however just switch them around if you are a guy and want to use them. If nothing else it will get you thinking about your own questions - which are always better.

Here's 21 questions to ask a guy or a girl to get you started

1. If you're a waiter and one of your customers was rude, would you spill food accidentally on them or worst still spit in their soup?

2. What was your favourite cartoon character as a kid and why did you enjoy them?

3. If you could choose to have dinner with 5 people (real of fictional) who would you invite and why?

4. If in an instant you could become an invisible man, where would you go and what would you do?

5. If someone was to make a comedy movie about just one part of your life, which part would they script and what would be written?

6. What was your favourite television character when you were a child? What did you like about them?

7. If you had a chance to go back in time and do something that you feel you should have done what would that be?

8. What was the funniest experience in your whole entire life?

9. Have you ever gone on a date with a person who is so way smaller or taller than you, and if so how did you get on kissing?

10. How old were you when you had your first proper date? Did you get to kiss them and if so was it a French kiss?

11. What's the worst lie you've ever told in your life? Where you caught out?

12. If you were suddenly turned into a woman for a day, how would you spend that day?

13. If you do not like someone do you show it or pretend that you like them?

14. What's the highest priority for you when considering a partner - good looks, intelligence, sense of humor, or something else?

Time to get a little more personal! Maybe you should wait till you have had a few more drinks before asking some of these!

15. Have you ever had sex in a public place? If so were you seen?

16. What's the difference between having sex and making love for you and which do you prefer?

17. If you could suddenly change the age you lost your virginity, would you?

18. What turns you off the most sexually?

19. Were you ever unfaithful with your partner? If so did they find out and if so what did they do?

20. Has anyone ever caught you playing with yourself? If they did what did you do?

21. Have you ever been to an orgy with more than two other people? If so did you have sex or just watch?

About the Author:

Does Your Office Need a 3 Drawer File Cabinet?

By Evan Miro

You might be faced with this question at work- would you prefer a 2 or 3 drawer file cabinet to organize your files? This does not have to confuse you as long as you have your priorities straight.

Nowadays, with the onset of computer technology and hi-tech gadgets and programs, a lot of people are asking if they still need to file their documents in drawers! Well, the answer is yes! Although we have already the electronic filing system which a lot of organizations are currently embracing, the ordinary filing of documents is still a lot better for several people.

A reason why some people hesitate to use them is the space factor. These file cabinets are big, and you might have limited space in which to put them. There is also another consideration- filing and organizing documents in cabinets is physically taxing. It may eat up a lot of time and effort that you could be channeling into something else. Whereas if you store them in a computer instead, it would be much lighter and easier work.

Which method you choose would depend upon the policies and needs of the company you are working for. The advantage of a filing cabinet becomes clear during those emergencies when the computer system is down or crashes and you have to obtain a copy of a specific document immediately. Since troubleshooting the computer may take some time, this may prove to be a crucial problem. In a worst case scenario, the computer would not be completely repaired and you will not be able to recover that particular file.

If you've chosen to use a real file cabinet, on the other hand, then you can go on to the next decision, what kind of file cabinet would you need? First, take a look at the documents you have to file. Their type and bulk will help you confront this decision.

Choose the 3 drawer file cabinet if you are dealing with a heavy amount of documents. This is because this type is the most space-efficient, and can store a great deal of documents. If you have a space problem in your office, go for the vertical 3 drawer cabinet. There are 3 drawers on top of each other, and yet they take up just as much space as a 2 drawer file cabinet.

Once you have determined the number of drawers you need, you will have to choose the type of material for your filing cabinet. There are file cabinets made of wood, as well as those made of aluminum. The ones made of wood are recommended if you work at home, or have your own office. This is because of its homey feel, and it does not stick out like a sore thumb among the house dcor. There are wooden cabinets available in different colors, so you are able to pick one that matches with the color motif of the rest of your furniture. However, if you are working in an office building, an aluminum file cabinet might be best. Because stainless steel is often its make, it is higher in durability, which would be required from your repeated closing and opening of drawers. Often, in an office, you will not be the only person using them, and they could be easily worn if not of a strong material. Steel cabinets are lighter and sturdier than the wooden cabinets.

The 3 drawer file cabinet is the best option to choose from if you are thinking of buying a cabinet for the office that requires several documents to be filed. It will definitely save up on space.

About the Author:

Understanding Remote Viewing

By J Lucas Cox

Many more people are beginning to find out how to remote view. Some individuals consider it much like their own personal time machine. However, remote viewing is a psychic ability, one that permits you to see future events. These are events, which you would never be able to see all by yourself without training.

Some people have been able to use their ability of remote viewing to accurately describe an object or place on the other side of the world that he or she could not possibly see by any other means. The dowsing rod is often used as an example of how remote viewing works, Just as the dowsing rod looks or searchers for something, so does the person who is doing the remote viewing.

Remote viewing does not limit you to any preset time, including the present. You can travel into the past or the future to find the information you wish to learn or see. Some individuals compare remote viewing to astral travel. However, you do not have to be a psychic in order to learn how to remote view.

Some consider that remote viewing is much like experiencing dj vu, yet some people can remote view much easier than others do. Still some people who can remote view with very little practice time, while there are others may practice for years before perfecting their abilities of remote viewing.

An example of a natural and easy remote viewing would be a father or mother who all of the sudden knows that their child is in danger even though they are miles apart. Or the young woman who suddenly knows that there has been a death in the family and can pin point who it was, even though there has not been any calls made yet to announce any such death. These types of incidents are believed to be cases, or examples, of remote viewing.

When it comes time for remote viewing there is basically two different ways it is accomplished. Some people claim that they actually have their souls leave their body and travel to the location or point in time that they are trying to observe. Other people believe that they are simply able to observe the place or item from their minds eye. There is no need to worry as you, the remote viewer, are completely in control of your destination and when it is time to return to your original state or location.

You see, there is no reason to fear the ability to remote view, since it is a natural occurrence. You can begin learning how to remote view right now if you wish to do so. It is essential to find a quiet place with no distractions. Relax your body completely and then begin to visualize the area around you or another room in the house. Concentrate on the different settings of the past you were involved in or even go back in time a few years and actually feel you as being there.

Once you feel comfortable with that, you can begin using remote viewing to travel into the future. You can begin by seeing yourself happy a few years into the future and then a little at a time travel even further into the future. By practicing, you can succeed in the ability to remote view in hardly any time at all.

Various scientists believe that all humans had the ability to remote view at one time; however, this ability became dormant over the years. In order to succeed in remote viewing, you must communicate with your subconscious mind to gain access to this forgotten ability.

There are many things that can help you to achieve this. For example one of the most successful ways of communicating with your subconscious mind is by the use of hypnosis. You can try visiting a professional hypnotherapist or listening to a specialist 'remote viewing' hypnosis recording.

Simple affirmations, if repeated often enough is another great way of communicating with your subconscious mind. There is also new audio technology called 'binaural beats' which can get your brainwaves at the correct frequency for powers such as remote viewing to be possible.

Remote viewing may come naturally to you or you may struggle to achieve it. You may need to invest in some of the tools mentioned in order to succeed in remote viewing. However, you need to practice and be patient with yourself. When it comes to remote viewing, you have the ability to find objects, foresee future events and so much more!

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