Regression Therapy - Why You Should Remember Past Lives

By David Shakkid

Are you suffering from feelings of abandonment? Do you have an addictive personality? Does it seem like you are always the victim of an evil person? Do you have issues with rage or anger? What are your relationships like; are they healthy? Do you feel like something is missing even though you seem to have it all?

If you think that you are having issues on one of these areas and you tried every possible way to address them but they still keep on coming around then you MUST read this article as you may never have considered that Regression Therapy could help solve all your problems!

Regression Therapy looks at healing from a holistic approach. Ones body, mind and spirit are all inter connected and affect each other. Regression Therapy seeks to take a client back into past experiences through hypnotic type venues, while the mind is kept aware.

These previous experiences include episodes of one's adulthood, adolescence, early childhood, and the period wherein the individual is still inside the mother's womb.

Past life regression therapy however takes this a step further and takes clients back in time to before conception; to a time before their previous life.

This idea of having had previous lives is very difficult for most people to come to terms with, but there is actually overwhelming evidence to suggest that this present life is just one of many which we experience.

Clients have been known to speak in foreign languages or recite "memories" of famous battles and wars. Some even conclude that they lived during pre-historic times and remember hunting big game with their spouse, who is in fact their current mate.

What is really exciting is when people can manage to physically verify information about things that they remembered during their past life regression therapy session. This can be done by looking at old parish records etc.

All around the world you can find heavily documented evidence of children who can still remember their past life. By visiting the places they used to live in their previous life they even get to meet living 'relatives' who they know inexplicably everything about.

It really helps in this life if we know what happened to us during those times in the past, because this form part of the way we look at this life, thus giving us the ultimate comprehension of ourselves and the patterns of our perspective.

A term called Faulty Thoughts was coined by regression therapists. This describes the negative internal dialogue that we have and may have created in another life experience. It becomes a part of the emotional baggage we carry around with us today.

The only person who can change these negative thought processes is the one who created them in the first place. For this reason, the client must undergo regression therapy that enables him or her to change the negative energy into positive. This can be achieved by things like forgiveness, karmic repayment and re-patterning.

Forgiveness is a basic biblical principle; the entire faith is dependent upon it. Karmic repayment is the idea that we must repay the wrongs we have committed even if they are from a previous life. Basically correct the bad behavior to correct the bad karma.

After taking these measures to rid one of negative feelings, we can re-pattern our energy field into a positive thing, with good feelings of tranquility and peace.

Regression therapy can be hard on you but is truly life changing. Clients nearly universally report having a more positive outlook on life and a feeling of renewal.

This change does not come without a price however. To be fully successful one must be totally committed to exploring their mind in order to change their life dramatically.

Regression therapy is a fascinating subject, and you should seriously think about trying it yourself either just out of interest, to discover who you were in a previous life, or to help you with present day problems.

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