Understanding Prophesy And The Mayan Calendar

By Jean Hantch

The Mayan societies disappeared from this planet centuries ago. Today few people have any knowledge or understanding of who the Mayans were or what they left behind. Mayans possessed an extreme knowledge of the solar system and the cycles that control it. As a result of this knowledge they created twenty two calendars. The calendars were used to mark time, of course, but were also created for another reason. Calendars created by the Mayans also documented prophesy and changes in our social structure. Many people are talking about prophesy and the Mayan calendar today. Let us take a look at why that is happening.

December 21, 2012 marks the last day recorded by the Mayans. Doomsday scenarios are traveling around the globe, as many believe the world will be ending on that day. But there are other beliefs and interpretations as well. Many people believe the date is a prophesy, but with a totally different meaning.

Because the Mayans had such a good understanding of the galaxy, there is another meaning that can be interpreted. One Mayan prophesy explained that the end of the calendar means a time of great change and transition in the world as we know it. It is a time to move away from self-destruction and move toward a time of peace and harmony in the world. This is a process that was to begin in 1999 and last for 13 years, until the last day on the calendar.

The Mayans explained cycles in our galaxy, and possessed a great deal of understanding. The explained that these cycles do not change. What changes is the way people behave who live through different cycles in time. A cataclysm can be the outcome if the human race does not decide to change the way it operates in the world during the approaching cycle. The Mayan prophesy points to human behavior, and the willingness to change as the deciding factor about continuing to exist.

This alternative interpretation explains 2012 are a time to move forward in a good way, and not the end of the world scenario that others believe. It is possible for it to be the beginning of a period of peace and productivity and the creation of new societies. It could be a time when everyone in the human race can benefit.

There is no doubt that some Mayan prophesies are worth paying a lot of attention to. That is the case because they are very accurate. The first prophesy, for example, is about the destruction of the environment by humans. This prophesy coincides precisely with the developments associated with global warming. So, we can see that the Mayans were definitely on to some type of knowledge that we should probably pay attention to today.

The Mayans also predicted the start of a period of change around 1999. Starting in that year the human race was called upon to take a close look at what we believe and how we behave. Relationships were meant to evolve and change and we were to release our fears.

You can find a wide variety of opinions about prophesy and the Mayan calendar. It is a topic that is relevant today, and discussions abound. Forming your own conclusion might be the best way to approach the subject. But it is certainly true that the Mayans left us a wealth of knowledge to examine and explore.

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