How To Show A Guy You Like Him - 4 Things You Should Not Do

By Sarah Nichols

How to show a guy you like him? It is a common dilemma that girls especially the young ones will face. Is it alright to let him know about how you feel? The answer is yes especially if you know the proper precaution since you are staking out your heart in the process. There are things that you could do but there are things that you should not do either.

How to show a guy you like him? You should NOT -

1 - Allow him to take advantage of you.

Get a grip about who you are always. Just because you showed him you like him doesn't mean that he can do whatever he wants of you.

2 - Act hateful to keep him on his toes.

This is an immediate turn-off for guys. They perceive your mean attitude as not interested and they may end up confused with the signals you are trying to send him.

3 - Flirt too much.

Guys still love the chase because they see you as a prize that they need to win. If you are worth the chase, they will. However, if you flirt too much, they will only think that you're an easy target.

4 - Change who you are.

You should always keep in mind that you are who you are and he is who he is. You should not conform to his likes and interests just because you like him. Remember that he can enjoy the things he wants without dragging you to it. Don't pretend you enjoy the things he likes. You will only fool yourself in the long run and worst, end up lying to him.

Guys can be oblivious and most times you wonder "how to show a guy that you like him." The thing is you could, you just have to remember not to loose yourself in the process.

There are times that you feel you have not done your best in order to show a guy that you like him. However, it is a fact that no matter what you do, guys can be clueless. There are things that you can do in order do to let him know in easy and simple steps. Pamper yourself with the information you need about the guys in your life and how to send them the exact message you want them to read. Read more at

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