Discover How To Get Your Ex Back In 3 Easy Steps

By Loren LaBiche

If the thought of breaking up permanently or moving ahead with divorce proceedings is not something you are ready to do, then it is time to put some thought and effort into what you can do to get your ex back. With a little planning and some determined efforts to improve things, you may be able to bring the two of you back together and continue to build a life together. Here is a simple three step plan to get you started.

Step One: Make plans to come together and discuss the reasons behind your current situation. Pick a public place where you both feel comfortable and are able to speak freely. When arranging this initial meeting it is important that it not take place in the home that was once shared or either spouses new residence. By choosing mutual and neutral surroundings you and your ex can concentrate on improving your communication and no one will feel insecure or uncomfortable. You have to be willing to approach any troubling issues straight on and avoid any unnecessary confrontations or arguments. Remember, you have come together in hopes of reconciling; yelling and placing blame will not lead to your desired outcome.

Second Step: Once you have had your meeting and said what you wanted to say, it is time to step back again and let some time pass while you both think about the discussions you just had. At this point you need some time and space, so remember to respect that, and don't repeatedly call or visit unexpectedly. Give plenty of consideration to any actions you have promised to take or any changes you have said you'll try to make. If your ex has voiced concerns about certain actions or behaviors of yours from the past, work on improving those areas before you come together for any subsequent meetings.

Step Three: This is possibly the most important step if you want to get your ex back. After the initial meeting to confront any unresolved issues, make the effort to meet again. Tell your ex about your efforts to improve yourself and show them the actions you have taken to prove your commitment to them and your relationship. For example, if you are seeking treatment, seeing a councilor or even making the effort to learn about their interests, show them signs of your progress and gently suggest that you may want to start over.

In taking the above steps you have demonstrated to your ex that you care about, and are committed to, making the relationship work. You have shown that you can accept responsibility for some of the things that happened between you and that you are willing to work at not letting them happen again.

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