What Is Remote Viewing?

By Peter J Minks

Remote viewing is an innate psychic talent which every person possesses the potential to develop. When remote viewing, you can see places, things and people who you would not be able to see with your eyes or detect with your other four senses. However, once you learn to remote view you will be able to see things which you cannot be within visual range of.

Don't mistake remote viewing as being the same as an out-of-body experience. Astral travel, or out-of-body experience, is where you travel incorporeally in spirit form to view a place or an event.

Remote viewing is something like dowsing in that you use your psychic powers to seek out the object of your remote viewing. It's a form of extra sensory perception where you can view any place in the world.

All of us possess psychic abilities which we have not yet developed. We use only about 10% of our brains; meaning that there's a lot of untapped potential which we can do many things with if we can learn to use these undeveloped abilities.

Remote viewing can let you check up on your children to make sure that they're safe when you can't be right there with them. You can increase your security and gain peace of mind by using your latent powers of remote viewing.

What makes remote viewing different to other forms of psychic abilities is that anyone can learn how to do it. Studies on many non-psychic people have shown that once these people had been taught to enter into a sufficient trance-like state, they were able to engage in remote viewing with high levels of accuracy.

Here are some simple remote viewing techniques you can try on your own:

*Sit comfortably in a quiet place and close your eyes. You should be sure there are no distractions before you begin.

*Take deep breaths through the nose. You can get better control over your breathing by holding your tongue at the roof of your mouth. This will also suppress yawns as you relax deeply.

*Belief is a key element in your remote viewing success rate. As you descend deeper into your relaxed state, you need to believe that you are capable of seeing people, events, or places that you've never physically seen.

*Start off with an easy object for your remote viewing to test your abilities. Try looking at yourself from across the room, as if you were watching yourself in a mirror. This is something which can be difficult to do at first; but focus and be patient with yourself. You'll be pleasantly surprised how quickly you'll learn to be able to see yourself from the perspective others see you.

*Once you're able to see yourself while remote viewing, you need to begin looking at places which are farther away. Start with a place which you are already familiar with, such as the house where you grew up. Best of all is to remote view a friend or relative's home. Keep an eye out for details and when you're finished remote viewing, call and compare notes; find out if the details you saw while remote viewing are really there. This exercise lets you assess your progress as a remote viewer.

You can then progress to more advanced exercises. Have a friend sit at their home or in another room in your home and ask them to perform a simple movement while you try to see what they're doing through your remote viewing abilities. Ask your friend afterwards to see if you have been able to get an accurate picture; again, reinforcement is valuable when you're trying to learn to remote view.

After having practiced remote viewing for some time, you'll find your abilities improving and that you'll have a much easier time bringing yourself into the proper state of relaxation for remote viewing. It's similar to a hypnotic state; even with your body and mind relaxed enough to allow the subconscious to operate, you are still awake and aware.

It is in the subconscious that our psychic abilities are found; but with practice, remote viewing will be something you'll be able to do at will.

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