Amazing Secrets Of Chakra Meditation Therapy

By Nisal Karuiyaratna

There are energy-wheels known as chakras which line up along the central line of everyone.

Certain mystical practitioners even believe the number of these wheels to be fourteen.

These begin at the base of the spine/genitals (root chakra) and extend right up to the top of the head (crown chakra).

In between are the orange colored chakra situated in the stomach area, the yellow colored chakra known as the solar plexus just above this, the green colored chakra in the heart region, the blue colored throat chakra, the indigo colored chakra in the center of the forehead known as the third eye. The root chakra is colored red with the crown chakra thought of as being violet in color.

As well as each chakra being associated with a particular color, they are numbered from one to seven with the base chakra being number one and the crown chakra being number seven.

The first chakra controls our physical health and vitality and our sexual health.

The second chakra is responsible for all of our creative powers.

The third chakra is responsible for our desires and what we want.

The fourth chakra commands the energy of our emotional life and opens us up to giving and receiving love.

The fifth chakra gives us communicative power, loops our emotions in with our thinking, and gives us personal magnetism.

Chakra six influences a person's intuition, psychic powers and insights, also referred to as the sixth sense.

The seventh chakra is used to take us on astral voyages and connects us with cosmic awareness, some of which is what is captured and brought back down to the second chakra during artistic practices and which is also accessed on shamanic journeys.

When people focus on the energy of this seventh crown chakra they really are communicating with God.

The principle behind these chakras or wheels is that in a clean and healthy mind, these wheels will spin freely. And a spinning wheel will emit the most positive and strongest good energies for the person. However, if these wheels cannot spin due to some blockage, the person will experience sickness problems, both mentally and physically amid his or her chakras.

It is also important that each chakra is equal in its development to the others. If one of these is over-developed then an addiction, neuroses or OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) may result.

There is constant worry that these chakras will become blocked. For instance, some people who possess a negative attitude towards sexual relations or have a poor diet will experience ill health or broken romantic relations primarily because they have disturbed the base red chakra.

If you constantly think about dark things like working black magic against people, you'll clog up the seventh, purple-white, crown chakra and cut off your access to the cosmic or the divine, leaving you feeling bitter, fearful, and empty.

One of the most important aspects of a healthy, rapidly spinning chakra wheel is its flexibility; that is, it can open to receive energy from something good but close to repel energy from something bad. A mind is just like a hand: if it cannot both open and close then it's broken. And a chakra is just like a mind-if it is healthy then it can both open and close as need be.

Everyone can control his or her chakras. All it requires is a daily exercise to focus in a balanced way on the energies commanded by these seven chakras. At a determined time each day, you will need to meditate by focusing one by one on the energy of the chakras and how it is apparent in your life. You can even visualize the energy of a particular chakra while carrying out this exercise.

Take each major energy category and at some point each day meditate upon how its aspects are manifesting-or not manifesting-in your life, and as you do this visualize your body's energy residing in that particular chakra. If you find your energy waning in any category, meditate on the steps you can take to make that category healthy and cleanse the related chakra.

Some people find it easier to meditate using a gem stone which is the same color as the chakra they are working on which allows them to get a clear image in their mind as to what needs to be done to make it healthier.

Recent advances in audio technology has also made it possible to just listen to the particular frequency of each chakra which results in your own chakra resonating at that same frequency resulting in it automatically becoming balanced.

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