Browlift, Rejuvenation & Vein Treatments

By Stella Robinson

Browlift surgery, also known as forehead lift, brings about a more youthful appearance to face by properly repositioning the sagging eyebrows and getting rid of frown lines that may appear on the forehead. This is a very common cosmetic procedure undertaken by plastic surgeons for men and women generally over the age of forty.

Though it's not possible to put back the clock and become young again, several cosmetic surgery techniques are available now to restore a more youthful look. Browlift surgery is a good example. It helps to reduce the tell tale marks of advanced age such as sagging eyebrows and furrows in the forehead. In the case of the younger community, these worrying features could be the result of stress. Whatever be the cause, browlift surgery holds the key to rectifying it.

The endoscopic procedure has several advantages over its surgical counterpart. It only requires three to five small incisions (about 1 inch in length) instead of the traditional ear-to-ear incision, the hairline remains unaltered, and the procedure can be performed with or without elevation of the brows. The endoscopic procedure also results in a faster recovery and inconspicuous scarring.

Our hands and feet are the areas of skin that do the most work, yet are often neglected. Give fingers and toes the best care possible with natural and organic products. Human hands receive bear the brunt of everything. The sun, the rain, the hale and the storm. So its quite natural for our hands to show signs of wear and tear the earliest. Darkened spots due to aging are the most common signs. Cosmetic surgery treatments do come of great use to give you back those tender beautiful hands you were gifted with.

There are various hand rejuvenating techniques to chose from depending on the patients requirement, costs, benefits and risks involved.

At first, the medical term, telangiectasia may seem quite foreign to you, but actually this is really just a technical way to refer to spider veins. Appearing on the face, chest and neck, spider veins are small blood vessels that become visible with discoloration.

In regards to the face, spider veins tend to surface through a wide range of causes. Whenever the face becomes flushed or blushes, the threat of developing telangiectasia emerges. Spider veins in the face might form due to any of the following factors: spicy or hot meals, exercise, hormonal imbalance, excessive sun exposure and cortisone medications.

Simple and painless removal of unsightly spider veins can often be completed in just one 30-minute laser vein removal session at Illuminations Medical Spa.

Brian M. Kinney, MD is a board-certified plastic surgeon, a member of the Board of Directors of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and a Past President of the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation of the United States.

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