Marbles, brawling action figures, and cards combine happily with Japanese anime to form the Bakugan line of toy products for kids. Holiday lists are topped by requests for not only Bakugan Warriors but also for the Bakugan Battle Arena.
These are toys that are on the mind of every child this holiday season and are sure to please all kids aged 5-12. In fact, here you have a gift certain to please even the adults. While simple in theory, the play is fast and furious and, as with all Japanese based games, there is an innocent fun that is missing in so many other products on the market. The rules are easy and even the youngest children will have them mastered in just a short while.
For the uninitiated, this Arena is the latest accessory in the Bakugan Battle Brawlers line of toys. These are based on the extremely popular Japanese animated series "Bakugan Battle Brawlers." Japanese anime for children has long been popular, and this series was already a hit show in Japan and Canada before it made its American debut.
As kids learn to play, they develop strategies to benefit themselves, while blocking their opponents from getting points. This strategic thinking can cross over to other games and situations, as well, making the game a great tool for logical thinking development for kids.
The Bakugan Battle Arena is an important part of the staging for this adventure and role playing game. The players of this game are going to decide the fate of the galaxy, and they do this by pitting a variety of warriors, known as Bakugan, against each other for points. Players assume the roles of characters in the series, and many will choose to play Dan, the heroic 12 year old. Points are scored by rolling or launching their marble-shaped Bakugan onto magnetic cards.
Bakugan is very easy to use. All you have to do is unfold the black, plastic arena and use the slots to build the red walls on all four sides. Once the arena is assembled, you're ready to battle it out for victory! This game is the hot new toy for this holiday season. Kids love the strategy, pretending to be their favorite characters from "Bakugan Battle Brawlers," and it's a game the whole family can enjoy! Be sure to pick one up in time for Christmas, and it just may change your game nights!
For kids who are already Bakugan devotees, the Bakugan Battle Arena is a "must have", and it is very easy to fit together. This accessory adds an extra dimension to the battles. Both the Bakugan Battle Arena and Bakugan Battle Brawlers made their debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York City and were immediately placed on the list of hottest 2008 toys.
These are toys that are on the mind of every child this holiday season and are sure to please all kids aged 5-12. In fact, here you have a gift certain to please even the adults. While simple in theory, the play is fast and furious and, as with all Japanese based games, there is an innocent fun that is missing in so many other products on the market. The rules are easy and even the youngest children will have them mastered in just a short while.
For the uninitiated, this Arena is the latest accessory in the Bakugan Battle Brawlers line of toys. These are based on the extremely popular Japanese animated series "Bakugan Battle Brawlers." Japanese anime for children has long been popular, and this series was already a hit show in Japan and Canada before it made its American debut.
As kids learn to play, they develop strategies to benefit themselves, while blocking their opponents from getting points. This strategic thinking can cross over to other games and situations, as well, making the game a great tool for logical thinking development for kids.
The Bakugan Battle Arena is an important part of the staging for this adventure and role playing game. The players of this game are going to decide the fate of the galaxy, and they do this by pitting a variety of warriors, known as Bakugan, against each other for points. Players assume the roles of characters in the series, and many will choose to play Dan, the heroic 12 year old. Points are scored by rolling or launching their marble-shaped Bakugan onto magnetic cards.
Bakugan is very easy to use. All you have to do is unfold the black, plastic arena and use the slots to build the red walls on all four sides. Once the arena is assembled, you're ready to battle it out for victory! This game is the hot new toy for this holiday season. Kids love the strategy, pretending to be their favorite characters from "Bakugan Battle Brawlers," and it's a game the whole family can enjoy! Be sure to pick one up in time for Christmas, and it just may change your game nights!
For kids who are already Bakugan devotees, the Bakugan Battle Arena is a "must have", and it is very easy to fit together. This accessory adds an extra dimension to the battles. Both the Bakugan Battle Arena and Bakugan Battle Brawlers made their debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York City and were immediately placed on the list of hottest 2008 toys.
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Everything they never told you about bakugan toys revealed! For more insider tips and information be sure and check out bakugan battle arena